+91 9482846643 (Mysore-ISHA Office)

Aims & Objectives

The Aims and Objectives of the Association:

To encourage scientific study of the processes involved in Speech-Language and Hearing, to promote investigation of Speech-Language and Hearing disorders, foster improvement of therapeutic procedures for such disorders, to stimulate exchange of information among persons thus engaged and disseminate such information;

  1. By encouraging basic scientific research and experimental work in Speech- Language and Hearing.
  2. For obtaining facilities for research and for guiding such research.
  3. To promote high educational and research standards in the field of Speech-Language and Hearing.
  4. By establishing committee on educational standards to supervise, advice, monitor and, develop and implement educational institutions in the country.
  5. By holding scientific discussion and reading papers related to the field of Speech – Language and Hearing.
  6. By establishing and maintaining a museum, a reference library furnishing it with books, reviews, magazines, ect., relating to Speech – Language and Hearing.
  7. By watching and advising on legislation affecting Speech – Language and Hearing specialists and the persons affected with Speech – Language and Hearing disorders.
  8. By publishing a Journal devoted to the field of Speech – Language and Hearing.
  9. By bringing together members of the association periodically at conventions and continuing education programs, seminars and workshops and, in general by working for alleviating the problems of Speech – Language and Hearing afflicted population in the Indian Union.
  10. By holding properties movable or immovable that may be necessary or advantageous for the aforesaid objectives; to purchase and to sell, to lease and to mortgage the same for the purpose of the association and to construct, alter and maintain its own building necessary for the transactions of the association.
  11. By receiving donations and contributions from members as well as from generous public and by holding the same in trust for any particular purpose or purposes for the advancement of the field of Speech – Language and Hearing.
  12. By co – operating with the medical and allied associations connected with Speech – Language and Hearing in Indian Union or outside for the promotion of the field.
  13. By organizing exhibitions of machinery, implements, tools, appliances, aids, ect., connected with or pertaining to Speech – Language and Hearing field in different parts of the country and to improve the implements, machinery, instruments and appliances related to the field.
  14. By making subsidiary rules and regulations of the association and to delete after and amend or add to the same as and when necessary for purposes of better management.
  15. By doing all such other things as may be incidental and conducive to the attainments of the aims and objectives of the aims and objectives of the association.