+91 9482846643 (Mysore-ISHA Office)

About Us

The Indian  Speech and Hearing Association is the professional  and scientific association of more than 4000 members  who are speech-language pathologists, audiologists, and speech, language, and hearing scientists in India and internationally

Vision statement:

ISHA envisages professional excellence in Speech Language and Hearing services, safeguarding professional ethics and the interest of professionals and the people with Speech Language and Hearing disorders.

Mission statement:

ISHA promotes excellence in Speech Language and Hearing profession and rehabilitation services through advocacy, leadership, unique and continued education, both for public and professional awareness, ethical considerations and outcome monitoring and professional networking and support to research.

Genesis of ISHA:

Forming an association was first mooted on the 4th April 1966, at the First All India Workshop on Speech and Hearing Problems at Vellore. A firm decision of forming an association of Speech and Hearing was taken at Pune in 1967 at the Annual conference of the Association of otolaryngologists of India.  The ISHA came into existence on 15th December 1967. ISHA is registered under the Mysore Societies Registration Act, 1960 (Mysore Act No.17 of 1960) on 15.12.1967. The association has its central office  at All India Institute of speech and Hearing, Manasgangothri, Mysore-57006.  The first conference as a part of the Annual conference of the AOI was held in Calcutta in 1968. We were under the tender care of AOI till 1977 and in 1978 we parted gracefully and became independent and held our first independent conference in Mysore. The affairs of the association are managed by an executive council consisting of twelve members elected at the general body meeting and in accordance to the bylaws of the association The executive council of association has full power of control and management of the affairs of the property of association; all such actions are brought to the notice of the General body of the association at its immediate next meeting.