+91 9482846643 (Mysore-ISHA Office)

Executive Council


Following are the Executive Members of ISHA for the Year 2024-2025


Dr. Aparna Nandurkar
Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist, Mumbai
Row house 49, Hill Gardens, Tikujiniwadi road, Thane West -400610. Maharashtra
M- +919820446304
Email: president@ishaindia.org.in



Dr. Sanjay Munjal
Professor and Incharge, Speech and Hearing Unit
Department of Otolaryngology, PGIMER,
Chandigarh 160012
M- 9815653262
Email: presidentelect@ishaindia.org.in

Hon. Gen. Secretary & EC Private Practitioner SLP

Dr Namita Joshi
Director and Founder Sampark Epolyclinic
Pune Satara Road Branch Pune  (HO) 9730511441
Kothrud Branch Pune  8766004883
Mobile 9922442997
Email: secretary@ishaindia.org.in,  ecppslp@ishaindia.org.in


Joint Secretary

Dr. Saransh Jain.
Assistant Professor of Audiology, Department of POCD
All India Institute of Speech and Hearing, Manasagangothri
Mysore - 570 006,
Karnataka State, India.
Mobile: 9743432401, Email: j.secretary@ishaindia.org.in

Hon. Treasurer

Dr. R Gopi Sankar
Audiologist/ Speech Language Pathologist Gr-1
 All India Institute of Speech and Hearing
M- 9886168327
Email: treasurer@ishaindia.org.in


Chair - Publications

Dr. Deepa Valame
Associate Professor
Dept. of AST, TNMC & BYL Nair ch. Hospital
Dr. A. Nair Road, Mumbai Central, Mumbai 400008
M: 9223444720
Email: chair.pub@ishaindia.org.in,

Chair-Professional Matters

Mr. Nirnay Kumar Keshree
Sri Aurobindo Institute of Speech & Hearing,
Sri Aurobindo University,
Bhanwarsla, Indore 453555
M: 9691954920
Email: chair.profession@ishaindia.org.in,


Chair-Conventions & Events

Dr. Chandrakant Vishwakarma
Director & Clinical Audiologist
Shabda-Brahma Speech,Hearing & Vertigo Clinic,
Cochlear Implant Rehab Center.
Ahmedabad 380014
M- 8141705342
Email: chair.events@ishaindia.org.in

Chair-Public Relations & Liaising

Dr. Subramaniyan B
Professor-  Speech Language Pathology  & Lead Consultant,
The Cleft & Craniofacial Centre
Sree Balaji Medical College & Hospital,Chennai
M- 9884330128
Email: chair.liaising@ishaindia.org.in


Chair- Research & Training Promotion

Dr. Savitha V. H.
Consultant Speech Language Pathologist - Cleft Specialization
Speech services Lead and Advisor for Smile Train India,
Chennai, India.
Email: chair.research@ishaindia.org.in

Chair-Promotional Activities

Ms. Neelu Somani
Consultant Audiologist & Speech Pathologist
Amogh Speech and Hearing Care LLP
4th Floor, Shreewardhan Complex, Beside Smart Bazar
Wardha Road, Ramdaspeth, Nagpur – 440 012
Mob.: 98230 16168
Email: chair.promo@ishaindia.org.in


Chair-Private Practice

Mr. Ram Pravesh Kumar
MS Speech & Hearing,
 Director, Founder Rampo Clinic,
Audiologist & Speech-language Pathologist,
M: 9311442135 / 9123199893
Email: chair.privatepractice@ishaindia.org.in

Chair-Service Matters

Dr. Md. Sahidul Arefin
Clinical Audiologist and Speech Language Pathologist
(Under Government of West Bengal)
M: 9433439767
Email: chair.servicematters@ishaindia.org.in